As 2013 wraps up and the last of the presents have been opened, the next thing on everyone’s mind is New Years. After one last night of guilt-free fun on the 31st, the first can be a rude awakening. It’s when we decide to be the best version of ourselves. The version that we’ve never been before—but are certain that now we can become.
The most common resolutions are to exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, keep a journal, spend more time with family, spend less money, etc, etc. In an ideal world we would already be doing all of these things. While it seems like no one can ever keep these resolution, we always try… And that’s not a bad thing.
We want to be better versions of ourselves, and to accomplish that it takes small steps forward. While we aren’t going to become our best self overnight on the 31st—and some of us might be our worst selves—we can take measures to improve.
The most successful resolutions are small enough that we can realistically accomplish them, but big enough that we and others can observe a difference. So maybe instead of cutting all carbs, working out on the elliptical three hours a day while writing in your new journal, pick something small.
If you are bad about dessert every night, cut back to three nights a week. If you haven’t been to the gym in years, try a brisk walk a couple times a week with a friend. Finally, if you have a pile of journals three feet high with one ten-page journal entry dating back the past 10 years, maybe try a different resolution.
Resolutions are great, and the first of the year is a natural time to improve, but choose wisely. So good luck and enjoy the carbs while you can!