The weather may be 70 degrees, sunny and we may never have a white Christmas, but New Orleans does have some pretty fantastic Christmas traditions of its own. Louisiana has rich traditions and events when it comes to the holidays. So if you’ve lived here your whole life, or are just in town for a brief visit, make sure you do a couple of these things this year.
To start, The Celebration in the Oaks has a breathtaking lights display in City Park. The lights are worked into the natural landscape of the park and have both traditional holiday displays and special Cajun light displays as well. It is a don’t miss for sure.
If you find yourself in the French Quarter near the Roosevelt Hotel, it is definitely worth walking through the lobby. It has a huge Christmas tree as well as marvelous decorations and lights—it truly looks like a palace. Be sure to stop by either just for the view or after dinner at Domenica.
You can also stop by St. Louis Cathedral for the Christmas New Orleans Style concert series. While enjoying the scenic Jackson Square you can also take in excellent music at one of the most beautiful and historic cathedrals in the country.
These are only a few of the many things to do during the holidays in New Orleans. It doesn’t even begin all of the New Orleans holiday food!

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