There are a lot of things you need to know about your car in order to keep it running properly. There are certainly pros and cons for new and used cars. Older, used cars need attention in order to prevent costly repairs, while new cars and trucks benefit from proper maintenance in order to preserve the value of the car. And while some routine procedures can be costly, time consuming, and require a visit to a mechanic’s garage or car dealership, others can be quick, easy, and painless. Perhaps the easiest thing you can do on a regular basis for your car is to make a habit of checking your car’s tire pressure. It’s easy, costs very little, and can save you from having to deal with expensive repairs down the road.
Having low tire pressure can lead to decreased performance when cornering and braking, and can even lead to tire failure in some cases. Since tire failure usually results in a serious accident, it’s not something to mess around with. While many people check the tires themselves to see what pressure level to maintain, this is actually the wrong place to look. The numbers listed on tires are usually the maximum capacity of pressure, not the recommended amount. As it varies from car to car, check your car’s owner’s manual to see where the information is printed- usually on the driver’s door pillar, the glove compartment door, or the gas filler door.
When it comes to checking the tire pressure, try to avoid the popular pencil-shaped gauges, which can be frequently inaccurate. Digital gauges or even analog-dial gauges are typically a safer bet. Also remember to only check tire pressure when the tires are cold- in other words, before the tires have been recently driven. This ensures that the air is at the proper temperature for an accurate reading. And finally, be sure to check all four tires. It sounds obvious, but steer away from taking shortcuts here. Just because the first three tires are good doesn’t mean the fourth one is.
Check your tires seasonally, as well as before any long road trip in order to stay precise on your tire pressure levels. You can also ask your car service professional to check for you during your next service, typically at little or no extra cost. This can also provide you a way to double check the accuracy of your own gauge. However you decide to do it, just make sure that checking the air pressure levels on your tires becomes a regular part of your car’s check-up.
Lamarque Ford is proud to be one of the premier dealerships in New Orleans, LA. Located in Kenner, LA, Lamarque Ford is committed to providing you the best customer service and vehicle service for the life of your vehicle. Whether you’re on the market to purchase, finance, or service a new or used Ford vehicle, you’ve come to the right place.

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