Buying gas for your car is likely one of the biggest expenses in your budget. With gas prices that seem to be constantly rising, and the fact that you simply can’t stop driving your car altogether, it can often seem like there’s no real way to save any money on gas. If you are in the market for a new car, you can look into buying a car with hybrid or Ford Ecoboost technology, but for the rest of us, there’s no miracle way to slash our monthly gas expenses. Fortunately, there are a few ways to cut corners and save a little bit of extra money when it comes to buying gas.
Adjusting how you drive can be a big factor in getting the best MPG out of your car. When running errands, try to do so during parts of the day with the smallest amount of traffic. This means try to avoid doing them around 9am or 5pm, when most people are going to and from work. Similarly, try to drive at a steady, consistent pace when you drive as opposed to varying your speed or stopping and accelerating frequently. Maintaining a consistent speed has been proven to optimize gas efficiency in cars. And although you likely have less control over this, try to base when you leave for work and the route you take to accommodate steady driving as well. Cruise control can also help get the best MPG out of your car.
When shopping for gas, there are a few things you can keep in mind in terms of cost and type of gasoline. It usually isn’t worth it to drive across town for the cheapest gas. If you pass a station with unusually cheap gas then by all means, go ahead and stop. If you’re considering a gas station across town that is slightly cheaper, you may end up losing more money for the drive to get there. Using stations that are close to your home, even if slightly more expensive, can usually save you money. Also, try to fill up during the coldest time of the day. Since gas is purchased by volume, you get more for your money when the gas is at its most dense- in other words, during the coldest part of the day. Additionally, make sure your gas cap is tight and secure. Fuel can vaporize and thus be wasted if the cap isn’t securely fastened.
Buying gas from a wholesaler such as Sam’s or Costco can save you small amounts, and although you shouldn’t make the special trip just for gas, you can try to fill up at these locations if you routinely shop there. You might also consider getting a gas credit card. As long as you make your monthly payments, having a gas credit card can potentially save you a little bit of money over the long run. Also make sure you keep your car properly maintained, in order to ensure peak performance and gas efficiency.
Follow these tips in order to save some money here and there, and who knows- maybe you can put it towards getting that brand new car you’ve been dreaming about.
Lamarque Ford is proud to be one of the premier dealerships in New Orleans, LA. Located in Kenner, LA, Lamarque Ford is committed to providing you the best customer service and vehicle service for the life of your vehicle. Whether you’re on the market to purchase, finance, or service a new or used Ford vehicle, you’ve come to the right place.