Buying your first car shouldn’t be a time consuming and frustrating experience. Given all the resources and comparison tools available today, the process should be exciting and rewarding. However, more often than not, first time car buyers find themselves lost and without guidance. Lamarque Ford has put together a short list of tips to point you in the right direction.
Budget will dictate the basics of your car purchase. At this point, you should be looking at your overall cost of living including housing, bills, groceries, health insurance, savings, etc. Always remember to include an estimate for car insurance and emergency money to the long term cost of a car. Once you’ve set your budget, it will be easier to decide whether to get a new or used car. Whichever route you choose, you’ll also have the option to pay cash or to finance your investment.
Now that you have a price range in mind, you’ll need to asses your needs. Be sure to take your lifestyle and daily habits into account, as this will give you a better idea of what kind of car you need. The best way to do it is to ask yourself a few basic questions:
How would you be driving your car?
Will you commute long distances to work?
Will you be driving in the city?
How many people do you usually take with you?
Do The Research
At this point it should be really clear the type of vehicle you can afford based on your needs. Start looking online at different brands and contact the sellers directly to inquire about offers. Most car dealerships offer incentives for new car buyers, recent grads and military, so make sure this is part of your decision process. Keep in mind that there is more than one car dealership for each brand, so never settle for the first option.
Get The Feel Of The Wheel
This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. All the grunt work and countless hours of research are about to pay off. Start visiting dealerships to see the cars for yourself and talk to the salespeople personally. Once you’re ready to test drive a car, take into account the following:
Is there enough space to sit comfortably? Is it too cramped?
Are the seats and head rests comfortable?
Are the controls and switches easily accessible?
How is the visibility?
Is the engine loud or quiet?
Does the car accelerate smoothly?
Are the breaks too sensitive?
Although this is just a short list of questions to keep in mind, you should look at as many details as possible. Also remember that during the test drive the salesperson might try to single out other features that you’re not interested in, so stay focused.
In the end, your decision might come down to one thing: gut feeling. That’s right, that visceral emotion driving you crazy every time you see a red Mustang might kick in at the wrong time, so keep things in perspective. Remember to stay rational and never take on a loan that exceeds your original budget. Your intuition might determine the trim or color of your car, but it should never precede your research.
Lamarque Ford is proud to be one of the premier dealerships in New Orleans, LA. Located in Kenner, LA, Lamarque Ford is committed to providing you the best customer service and vehicle service for the life of your vehicle. Whether you’re on the market to purchase, finance, or service a new or used Ford vehicle, you’ve come to the right place.

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