Louisiana is known for its dark history and frightening past. From pirates to voodoo queens to Civil War ghosts, we have no shortage of spooktacular places down here in the South. With Halloween approaching what better way to get in the holiday “spirit” than to hop in a new Ford at Lamarque and scare yourself while checking out these hair raising places!
1. Marland’s Bridge – Sunset, Louisiana
The bridge was site to “The Battle of Bayou Bourbeau” during the Civil War in which Corporal Marland fought off Confederate soldiers to defend Union artillery. In doing so the bridge was named after him but that’s not even what haunts it. Years later a young woman was on her way to the nearby church to wed her fiancé. After hours of being late and still no sign of the bride a search party was sent out when they came across her corpse in the bayou. There are many rumors as to what happened but the truth is lost in legend. To this day there are accounts of sightings of a lady in white walking on the bridge as well as strange noises, radios not working, and no cell phone signal. Personally speaking, after being there many times it is definitely as creepy as it sounds!
2. Myrtles Plantation – St. Francisville
The Legendary Mytrles Plantation is known for its sightings of ghosts, handprints on the mirrors and even the sound of footsteps on the stairs along with other mysterious sights. Legend has it that as many as 10 murders have occurred over time at this Plantation. Ghost sightings have even been photographed with what appears to be a young slave in the alley way! With its long gravel drive way lined with old aged oak trees filled with moss, to its Pre-Civil War era style setting; it is the perfect place to check out if you want to lose a few nights’ sleep!
3. Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 – New Orleans
Nestled in Mid-city New Orleans, Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 is one of the oldest cemeteries in New Orleans, and the oldest planned in the city, you may have seen this cemetery in such movies as Interview with a Vampire and Double Jeopardy. Filled with huge tombs and mausoleums dating back to as early as 1832, it has its fair share of history in one of the spookiest cities in America. One walk through it and you can see why this local attraction made our list.
4. Magnolia Plantation – Natchitoches
Another Plantation with a background rich in history, Magnolia Plantation still has slave quarters, blacksmith shop, slave hospital, and even a shop where local produce was grown(Pictured above). It is here that stories of terrible slave treatment, Civil War battle, and even the own demise of the plantation owner’s life still haunt the halls and grounds of these picturesque plantation. With torture artifacts still around and stories of ghostly sightings throughout the plantation, it is scary site waiting to be explored.
5. Caddo Parish Penal Farm – Shreveport
Caddo Parish Penal Farm, also known as The Pea Farm, sits south of Shreveport and is the home to an abandoned prison that housed the worst criminals of Louisiana at its time of existence. With its ruins untouched for decades, it is not advised to go in as it is to the point of crumbling. With overgrown vegetation run amuck, this sets the scene for an unworldly destination. Along with its deserted like appearance, there have been many accounts of sightings and screams from prisoners who housed the prison that were killed by the guards who overlooked them. While located in dense woods, if you can locate it, it’s definitely worth your time.

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