From the beginning, Ford has been a brand everyone could rely on. Customers trust Fords to be aesthetically pleasing, fairly priced, and, most importantly, well built. How many stories have you heard about your neighbor’s Ford truck that ran flawlessly with nothing more than a regular oil change for 30 years? Or the family Ford car that drove everyone on family vacations for 18 years and then the daughter drove it away to college? The fact is that Fords are built to last and reliable.
On June 6th, 1913, Henry Ford himself described Ford automobiles as “constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise…so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one-and enjoy.” This quote captures the essence of Ford nationwide. It is a simple company with a straightforward goal, and that’s why customers trust us.
Efficiency, simplicity, and protection are among a list of traits that consumers look for in companies according to Logic + Emotion. These three qualities are at the core of Ford’s founding principles and ideals. Consumers want to buy from a company that they understand and can relate to.
Ford’s continuous dedication to the founding principles of Henry Ford, while still remaining competitive and current has allowed us to stay in the forefront of the automobile industry and the forefront of America’s heart.

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